May 2015 |
IDB, CW Launch $125m Mexican EE Securitization Facility
The Inter-American Development Bank and the Clean Technology Fund have launched an innovative $125m loan securitization facility for energy efficiency projects in Mexico. The first phase is structured as a warehousing line originating a portfolio of standardized energy efficiency receivables, which will subsequently be securitized through the issuance of green bonds in the Mexican debt capital markets. Climate Wedge is the Master Administrator of the program, and the participating ESCOs are ECON Soluciones Energéticas Integrales, S.A.P.I de C.V. (ECON) and Veolus Energía y Gestión Técnica S.A. de C.V. (VEOLUS).
February 2014 |
Climate Bonds Standard setting initiative launched by CW team |
Dr Michael Molitor, Kristian Brüning and Dr Alex Rau, the founding team of Climate Wedge, join the Climate Bonds Initiative team to support a newly convened supervisory Climate Science Advisory Committee, which will develop and supervise eligibility criteria for the Climate Bond Standards. A Climate Science Reference Framework will anchor the Climate Bonds Taxonomy and Climate Bond Standards to projections of needed emission reductions and adaptation measures from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and internationally respected climate science research centres.
January 2014 |
Up Energy closes equity round with Finnfund |
Up Energy Group, a social impact carbon development company focused on the distribution of efficient biomass cookstoves and other household energy efficiency products to rural households in Africa, Central America, and Asia, closes equity financing from Finnfund (Finnish Fund for Industrial Cooperation) and Richard Lawrence, the founder of Overlook Investments and Proyecto Mirador, with participation form existing investors including Climate Wedge. The company will use the proceeds of the investment round towards building out its existing cookstoves distribution operation in Uganda, and expand its project development throughout Africa and Central America.
December 2013 |
Up Energy sells CERs to Swedish government |
Climate Wedge-backed cookstoves distributor and carbon project developer Up Energy Group executes an Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement (ERPA) with the Swedish Energy Agency. The Swedish government will purchase 500,000 CERs from the distribution of efficient biomass cookstoves in Uganda under Up Energy's Clean Development Mechanism Program of Activites.
February 2013 |
Carrier and EOS Climate Offer Sustainable End-of-Life Refrigerant Management Program |
Carrier, the world?s leader in high technology heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions, and Climate Wedge-backed EOS Climate, announce an innovative program to ensure responsible end-of-life management of CFC-based refrigerants. The program brings sustainable technology and cost savings to commercial and industrial organizations, and is part of EOS Climate's Refrigerant Revolution, a multi-industry stewardship system revolutionizing refrigerant management at end-of-life.
November 2012 |
Introducing the Refrigerant Revolution |
Three part series by EOS Climate in the Triple Pundit blog introducing the Refrigerant Revolution, and outlining the business case for sustainable life-cycle and end-of-life management of refrigerants.
Part One: Introducing Refrigerant Revolution
Part Two: The Policy Backdrop
Part Three: Future of Air Conditioning
August 2012 |
Up Energy profile in Carbon Finance |
An article by Erik Wurster, CEO of Climate Wedge-backed Up Energy Group in Carbon Finance magazine outlining the business case for projects that leverage carbon finance to distribute efficient biomass cookstoves to rural households in developing countries, and why Up Energy is uniquely positioned to thrive post-2012 as one of the leading cookstoves project developers.
March 2012 |
Up Energy closes ERPA w/ MyClimate for Central America cookstoves PoA |
Climate Wedge-backed Up Energy Group and the MyClimate Foundation have partnered to sell efficient household cookstoves to underserved, poor communities in El Salvador. The stoves being sold cut wood consumption in half and significantly reduce indoor air pollution, a leading cause of death and disease in El Salvador. The initiative is part of a larger multicountry CDM and Gold Standard PoA being developed by UpEnergy that spans four Central American countries, including El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala.
Coverage in Reuters/Point Carbon.
February 2012 |
Up Energy closes ERPA w/ Eneco for Uganda cookstoves PoA |
Climate Wedge-backed Up Energy Group, a San Francisco and Kampala-based social enterprise, and Eneco Energy Trade BV, the energy trading arm of A-rated Dutch utility Eneco Holding NV, have launched a joint initiative to
develop a CDM Programme of Activities (PoA) in Uganda that will provide low
income communities in Uganda with access to energy-saving household
cookstoves. Eneco has contracted to purchase CERs from the project that will distribute several hundred thousand efficient cookstoves across the country.
Eneco press release, February 13, 2012
Coverage in Argus, Bloomberg, Carbon Finance, and Reuters/Point Carbon.
June 2011 |
Cap-and-Trade is Vital to California's Economy |
Climate Wedge strongly supports the cap-and-trade scoping of California's AB32 implementation. This viewpoint by Climate Wedge and EOS Climate debunks many of the myths and mis-perceptions in recent debate in the state, and addresses how a solidly designed, regulated, and executed cap-and-trade system can deliver on AB32's objectives in the most economically efficient and beneficial approach for California.
Echoed on Triple Pundit, June 20, 2011 |
April 2011 |
EOS and Cargill Announce Strategic Financing Partnership |
Climate Wedge-backed EOS Climate has launched a strategic financing partnership with global commodity trading firm Cargill, focused on recovering and permanently destroying CFCs from end-of-life refrigeration and cooling systems.
Cargill press release, April 13, 2011 |
March 2011 |
News Corporation Achieves Carbon Neutral Status |
News Corporation announced its achievement of the company's bold goal, set in 2007, to achieve carbon neutral status in 2010. News Corp established a comprehensive and industry-leading initiative to measure, manage, and reduce its global greenhouse gas emissions footprint, and offset the unavoidable emissions using high-quality, independently verified emissions reductions. Climate Wedge has been a lead advisor to News Corp since 2006 on carbon management strategy and transactions for its carbon offset portfolio. |
March 2011 |
EOS Climate Reaches Million CRT Milestone |
EOS Climate issued another 57,000 CRTs in March 2011 taking the total volume of emissions reductions delivered to over 1 million metric tons. Saskia Feast, VP Business Development stated, "We are extremely proud of this accomplishment, as it speaks to our unique integrated system for ODS destruction that has delivered verified CRTs to within 99.99% accuracy in production cycles of less than 3 months. Our system that integrates partners, experts and leaders in their own businesses, has enabled us to achieve this milestone."
November 2010 |
JEI Scholarship Program Call for Papers |
The Journal of Environmental Investing Scholarship Program has formally launched and issued a call for papers for a new award to the graduate student who writes the most rigorous and original manuscript on a topic related to environmental investing. Interested and qualified students are invited to submit an abstract and brief application by January 28, 2011, and the Program will annouce the winner by July 15, 2011. See the JEISP website for more details. |
July 2010 |
EDF Buys Energy Systems International |
Climate Wedge advised Energy Systems International LLC on the sale of ESI and its portfolio of CDM projects to EDF Trading, a unit of Electricite de France SA. ESI has developed one of the largest portfolios of CDM projects worldwide, with 56 projects representing nearly 37 million expected CERs through 2012 from wind, hydro, biomass, coalmine methane, and energy efficiency projects in China. |
July 2010 |
EOS Climate registers first ODS destruction CRT project |
Signaling a significant milestone, Climate Wedge-backed EOS Climate has developed the first ODS destruction project verified and listed under the Climate Action Reserve's U.S. Ozone Depleting Substances Project Protocol. The project generated 503,648 vintage 2010 CRTs from the destruction of CFC12 refrigerant harvested from more than 100,000 recycled refrigerators and commercial cooling systems, a greenhouse gas 10,900 times more potent that carbon dioxide. For this project, EOS worked with partners JACO Environmental and Hudson Technologies. |
February 2010 |
REDD+ design recommendations for WWF Forest Carbon Finance Summit
A paper written by Climate Focus with contributions from Alex Rau on the urgency of developing appropriate mechanisms for incentivizing REDD+ early action for the World Wildlife Fund and Harvard Law School's Forest Carbon Finance Summit 2010. |
February 2010 |
Hudson Technologies and EOS Climate Announce New Alliance
Climate Wedge-backed EOS Climate and Hudson Technologies, Inc., a leading refrigerant services company, have formed a comprehensive alliance to develop and deliver emissions reductions from destruction of ozone depleting substances. |
November 2009 |
Science Magazine: "Bridging the Montreal-Kyoto Gap" |
A peer-reviewed Policy Forum article coauthored by Alex Rau, Kristian Brüning, and Jeff Cohen of EOS Climate and published in Science magazine calls for integrating ozone depleting substances (ODS) into international carbon markets and making ODS-destruction an eligible offset project type.
September 2009 |
Climate Wedge has signed the Copenhagen Communique |
Climate Wedge has joined over 600 companies from around the world in signing the Copenhagen Communique, which calls for a robust and equitable global deal on climate change that responds credibly to the scale and urgency of the climate problem.
June 2009 |
EOS Climate Profiled in Trading Carbon |
Climate Wedge-backed company EOS Climate profiled in Point Carbon's Trading Carbon magazine on its scalable new platform for recovering and destroying ozone depleting substances by leveraging the carbon markets.
March 2009 |
24 Becomes First-Ever Carbon Neutral Television Production |
Fox's 24 television show became the first carbon neutral television production this season. Through greener production practices, the show was able to reduce its season 7 carbon footprint by 43%. Climate Wedge and partner Cheyne Capital provided VCUs certified against the Voluntary Carbon Standard to offset the remaining, unavoidable emissions. See the comprehensive GHG methodology and assessment by Clear Carbon Consulting.
September 2008 |
Harvard Business Review: Start Thinking About Carbon Assets |
A short primer the process and economics of creating carbon assets in the Harvard Business Review. This article is an adapted and shortened version of a longer article below and published in
July 2008 | "Unlocking the Latent Value of Operations Improvements and Clean Technology Projects via International Carbon Markets" |
A joint white paper released by Climate Wedge Ltd, the British-Consulate General, Houston, and UK Trade and Investment in to brief US companies on opportunities to monetize emissions reductions and operational efficiency improvements via international and emerging domestic carbon markets.
March 2008 |
Carbon Finance: "Beyond the Kyoto Six" |
An article by Kristian Brüning and Jeff Cohen of the US EPA in Carbon Finance on the potential of creating carbon reductions from the destruction of ozone depleting substances, vast stocks of which exist beyond the scope of the Montreal and Kyoto Protocols.
September 2007 |
SF Chronicle OPED: "Washington Needs to Join Climate Effort" |
An OPED in the San Francisco Chronicle by Alex Rau and Joe Nation, former California Assemblyman and principle co-author of California's AB32 Global Warming Solutions Act, calling for a US federal registry on greenhouse gas emissions and supporting a bill sponsored in Congress by Senator Amy Klobuchar.
January 2007 |
"Linking carbon markets through project mechanisms" |
An article on the need for common project protocols and standards in order to link regional carbon markets through project mechanisms, by Alex Rau in Pointcarbon's Carbon Markets North America.
December 2006 |
"Scaling the Voluntary Carbon Market" |
Some thoughts from Climate Wedge on the challenges ahead for scaling voluntary carbon markets in a new book, Voluntary Carbon Markets, by The Ecosystem Marketplace.
December 2006 |
BSR: "A Business Brief on the Voluntary Carbon Market" |
A business brief outlining the best-practices in the voluntary carbon market and carbon offsetting by Business for Social Responsibility. The brief provides valuable guidance for companies and institutions considering engaging the voluntary carbon markets as part of an integrated carbon management strategy.
November 2006 |
"Greenhouse Gas Market 2006: Voluntary Carbon Markets." |
An article by Kristian Brüning on the current structure and trends in the voluntary carbon markets in IETA's annual survey of the carbon markets.
June 2006 |
"Bank of New York spawns voluntary CO2 registry." Reuters |
Reuters report of the launch of The Bank of New York VCU Registry, which provides custodial and registry tracking services for the voluntary carbon market.
March 2006 |
Voluntary Carbon Standard launched. |
The Voluntary Carbon Standard, written and developed by Climate Wedge Ltd, is officially launched by the International Emissions Trading Association, the Climate Group, and the World Economic Forum.
January 2006 |
"Carbon credit trading fund in business." The Australian. |
Climate Wedge Ltd profiled in the January 13, 2006 issue of The Australian.
November/December 2005 |
Part 1 of a CW article in Carbon Finance. |
Part 2 of a CW article in Carbon Finance. |
2-part article addressing why a global voluntary market for carbon credits will be necessary to achieve the emission reductions needed to stabilize atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations (part 1), and the key components and standards for the emerging voluntary carbon offset market (part 2).
February 2005 |
CW article on managing the economics of carbon published in the McKinsey Quarterly. |
An article coauthored by the Climate Wedge team on how executives should respond to the changing regulatory and competitive environment due to impending carbon constraints has been published in the
McKinsey Quarterly.